Public Notices
ARP Statement
Employee Rights
Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Family and Medical Leave Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
Student Registration
Lowndes County Schools uses a centralized registration process. Information on the student registration, including hours of operation and registration forms parents can complete in advance, can be found on our Central Registration page.
Financial Notices
Notice of Intent to Opt Out of Homestead Exemption #2 - HB 581 Hearings will proceed as planned on Thursday, January 23 at 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM
The Lowndes County School System Budget for 2024-2025 will be considered for final adoption by the board at 6:00 p.m., June 17, 2024, at the Board of Education office, 1592 Norman Drive, Valdosta, GA.
Online Learning
Interested in Taking a Course Online?
Please read our Guidelines for Online Learning Classes within the Lowndes County School System
Petition for a High School Diploma
On March 30, 2015, Governor Nathan Deal signed into law House Bill 91. House Bill 91 retroactively eliminates the Georgia High School Graduation Test as a requirement for students who took the test between 1994 (when the test was established) and the present. State Board Rule in 2011 eliminated the test as a requirement for graduation, but that elimination did not extend to students who had already taken the test. House Bill 91 extends back to all graduation tests, beginning with the Basic Skills Test which was administered to students who enrolled for the first time in grade 9 during the 1981-1982 school year.
House Bill 91 only affects those persons who did not earn a high school diploma SOLELY for the reason of being unable to pass the GHSGT, the GHSWT, or its predecessor(s). If you did not get a diploma due to failure to meet specific high school course unit requirements, this law does not apply to you. Listed below are a copy of House Bill 91, the House Bill 91 Petition form, and the House Bill 91 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document.
Public Participation at Board Meetings
The Lowndes County Board of Education welcomes citizens to attend its meetings to understand the role of the board and the operations of the Lowndes County School System, and to speak on educational issues or concerns.
During regular Board Meetings, a specific portion of the meeting agenda may be set aside to allow comments by members of the public. Due to the agenda being prepared in advance of each meeting, anyone wishing to speak before the Board must inform the Superintendent’s Office in writing by completing and returning the Public Participation Request Form to the Superintendent by 12:00 noon on Friday before the regularly scheduled meeting on Monday.
Lowndes County School Board Policy BCBI - Public Participation in Board Meetings
Georgia Open Records Act Notice
All written requests for public records made pursuant to the Official Code of Georgia Annotated Title 50, Chapter 18, Article 4, must be sent to the Open Records Officer, Mr. Randy Cooper, Director, Human Resources at Lowndes County Schools, 1592 Norman Drive, Valdosta, GA 31601 or to
Purchasing: Requests for Bids and Proposals
The Lowndes County Schools system welcomes vendors to participate in requests for bids and proposals. These opportunities will be posted on the Purchasing page under our Finance Department.